Hiring in France made Easy
We Hire
we manage
30 years of experience
You do the Rest!
Myth one: hiring in france is complicated
True, if you don’t have a legal entity
With HIP Portage your entity is ready now!
Along with your future employee, we will file all necessary papers:
– Déclaration Préalable à l’Embauche (DPAE): this a a compulsory hiring statement for each employee who is hired. It must be filed at least 8 days before the hiring process. Not complying makes you susceptible to civil and /or criminal penalties. You want to hire the person tomorrow? Talk to us!
– Employment permit verification: working papers must be verified. Contractors are obliged by law to verify that their subcontractors adhere to hiring laws. We will do this for you.
– Medical Health check
Myth two: French labor law is a maze
We have been practising it for more than 30 years!
– Hiring in France entails strong obligations for employers. That is why the process is very long to avoid casting mistakes. With HIP Portage, mistakes are easier to correct. After you have found the right person and set up your legal representation you can hire him or her directly.
– You must verify that co-contracting parties have fulfilled their reporting obligations, in particular with regard to DPAE.
– If you do not fulfill your obligation of vigilance, you are likely to be the subject of a financial penalties: payment of taxes, duties and compulsory contributions as well as penalties and surcharges due by your co-contracting parties to social security; where applicable, the reimbursement of sums corresponding to the amount of public aid from which they have benefited; the payment of remuneration, allowances and charges due by your co-contractors for the employment of employees who have not been the subject of a DPAE.
Myth three: french employees are difficult to manage
It’s an art, and it is not taught
Hip Portage has built trust with his partners and consultants through it’s transparent easygoing, ready to talk approach that will solve your labor relations headaches.